encouragement for reducing phone use

Besides the books below, this is my new favorite tool for taking a break from my phone to think my own thoughts and get things done!

By now, you may know my obsession with taking at least one day a week off of my phone. Here are the books that helped me finally just do it...and keep doing it.

  1. I had gotten out of the habit over the holidays, and this book helped me get back on track. Even though I skipped the first week in January, I took 2 days off in a different week to make up for it. This book reminded me of all the reasons I loved taking just one day off a week. It's so freeing and can last long-term. The author has been doing it for over a decade! My favorite is how it affects the rest of the week, not just the one day. I can't believe I haven't heard of this book more. I think I only found it because I was searching Amazon for books about taking a day off from your phone.
  2. This was the first book I read about spending less time on a smartphone. My sister read the first chapter to me, and I was hooked. I knew I didn't want to wait until later to read it. I listened to the audio on a long drive. The title was so memorable and compelling that I still think about it! This book is why I decided to finally read other books on the topic.
  3. I believe this is the book that talks about all the ways to fight back against distractions like scrolling (by installing apps that block feeds) instead of getting rid of certain technologies altogether. I learned so many helpful tricks!
  4. It seems like this is the one everyone talks about, but it's still worth mentioning. It's been a while since I read it. I remember it being more dense and researched than the others, but still had lots of good food for thought.

As I'm building my new YouTube channel, I'll be discussing more All-Time Favorite Books throughout the year along with unique and practical ways to reduce phone use that actually work. Sign up for my Sunday Fun emails so you don't miss one! Plus you'll get a weekly book recommendation.

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