the plan

I'm laying it out here month by month for those following along with me, but you can change it depending on when you begin! The images below give an even more detailed checklist for each month.

  1. May: Prepare by taking pictures and/or a video of every area of your home. Set up a donation station. Surround yourself with decluttering tips (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, movies, podcasts, books!)
  2. June: Clothing + Bedding
  3. July: Entertainment (books/games/movies)
  4. August: Kitchen Items
  5. September: Everyday Paper
  6. October: Miscellaneous (hobby supplies, furniture, jewelry, toys, etc)
  7. November: Sentimental (photos, letters, gifts/inherited items, artwork/projects)
  8. December: Take a break and enjoy being Clutter-Free by Christmas!

You can adjust these categories to meet your needs especially if you've already done a lot of decluttering.

If you have kids, you could do their clothing in the first month after you've finished yours, then their games in the second month after you've decluttered your own entertainment items. Or you could use the first few weeks of December to declutter their clothing and toys.

watch this video for more details about the 30-day method

stay in touch


(weekly book recommendation, quote, decluttering article + link to my youtube video):